Tuesday 8 January 2013

Work hard, Break hard

Holidays were over. Everyone is getting back to their daily routine, students go back to study, workers go back to work and even housewives started to get busy with their chores.

I know fast-pace, stressful and hectic life has just begun.
However, just don't forget to press the "pause" button of yourself.
Take a break when you need!

I used to think that surfing the internet or watching dramas will do the trick.
Well these ideas may seem on track, but that's actually not working even cause the worst effect for me.
( Typical IT stuff addicted person, sometimes I think maybe I should be sending to the rehab, if there is a. wtf, why there is internet connection in the world! )
Why not working?

A break means you have to break your original pattern.
That means if you working in front of the computer, get away from it during break time. If you work indoor, go outdoor to have the fresh air.

These are the 50 ways I found on the internet.
A way for a day, keeps the stress away.
I tried some, effective enough!

I believe a lot of people has a to do list for the new year.
So, you might want to carry this along as a reminder.
People says they take a break to go for the longer path. 
Do the right thing to make yourself rejuvenate!
Don't over break, because it will make you feel lazy.
Just like me sometimes taking the break times as an excuse to rest and finally I become lazy to do other things. Some #bad habit that I should change! ( another new year resolution added )


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